
Let's Chit Chat!!

November 26, 2015

My name is Michelle and I am your Holbrook Macaroni Kid Mom Publisher.

Please help me make Holbrook Macaroni Kid better!  I love doing this FREE e-newsletter and I would love for any of you to comment and let me know whay you think.  If you would like to see something on here, please don't hestitate to contact me.  I always love constructive criticism, especially when it benefits all of us!

Holbrook Macaroni Kid will feature local businesses from around our community.  We want to get the word out about the businesses in our community.  Whether you are an independant consultant, own a storefront or design sellable items, we want to feature you in our newsletter.  

As a featured business, you will recive an article about your business in our weekly newsletter.  In the article it will describe your business and explain what services/products you have to offer.  We encourage businesses to offer coupons/discounts or do a giveaway for our readers.  We have noticed positive outcomes when businesses offer such things like this.

Do you have any suggestions, concerns, want information on how to become a Publisher Mom in your area or just want to say HELLO, please contact Michelle at to get your business featured. 

Have a Great Day!

Holbrook Macaroni Kid Mom Publisher