
TytoCare is Taking Telehealth Appointments to the Next Level

Doctors right in your hand from the comfort of your home.

By Allison Tursi, Holbrook Macaroni Kid Publisher Mom December 21, 2020

Having three young children at home, doctors’ visits have been very difficult for us when those coughs and ear infections arise. We face questions like, "Do I need to take them to them to the doctor and possibly expose them? Or do we just wait and see?" On top of that, most doctors’ offices have now limited visits to just the patient and one parent during this pandemic. Then the questions begin. What am I supposed to do with my other kids? My husband is always at work, and it is hard to find a friend or a relative who is okay with being out during this pandemic, especially when you mention that you have a sick child. Now what?

Then I learned about TytoCare. TytoCare is a handheld exam kit that connects people with doctors for on-demand medical exams from the comfort of their home -- instant peace of mind! TytoCare has bridged the gap between traditional telehealth appointments and in-person visits with the ease of at-home care with an accurate diagnosis. The TytoCare handheld device provides the diagnostic tools needed to conduct a real-time exam and capture vital signs like heart rate and temperature, so a physician can examine, diagnose, and write prescriptions as needed.


TytoCare captures vital signs like heart rate, ear exams, and temperature so patients can receive real-time diagnosis and treatment. With on-demand exams, patients can be connected with clinicians 24/7 so you can get an answer right away without having to wait for an appointment or travel to a doctor’s office.

TytoCare is easy for anyone to use. First, download the TytoCare App and pair it with the device. Second, the device will guide you through an exam or connect you with a live clinician. Lastly, receive your diagnosis, treatment, and/or prescription via TytoCare. 

TytoCare even guides you through Tyto Academy the first time you set it up and teaches you exactly how to do each exam successfully!


For the first time ever, I feel prepared for this year’s cold and flu season knowing that I have TytoCare at home. TytoCare has taken out the stress of trying to figure out how I can get one child to the doctor for that last appointment spot the office had available. Bring it on, cold and flu season (but don’t really, I’m just happy to be able to skip the germ-filled office visits).


What’s included in a TytoCare kit?

  • TytoCare Device with Exam Camera and Thermometer
  • Otoscope adaptor for examining the ears
  • Stethoscope adaptor for heart and lungs sounds
  • Tongue depressor adaptor for the throat
  • A guide on how to use the TytoCare App for conducting guided exams with your doctor

TytoCare can be purchased at Best Buy or at You can also use your Flexible Spending Account to purchase TytoCare.

Interested to see exactly how TytoCare works? Watch the video below.

Macaroni Kid was compensated for this review, but all opinions expressed are my own.